The road less travelled is sometimes fraught with barricades, bumps and uncharted terrain. But it is on that road where your character is truly tested. And have the courage to accept that you’re not perfect. Nothing is and no one is - and that’s OK. (Katie Couric)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

pictures, poems and pearls of wisdom . . .

Stop trying to leave and you will arrive
Stop seeking and you will see
Stop running away and you will be found 
- Lao-Tzu


As the lotus rises on its stalk unsoiled by the mud and the water,
so the wise one speaks in peace and is unstained by the opinions of the world
- Sutta Nipata


One Perfect Rose
by Dorothy Parker

A single flower he sent me, since we met.
All tenderly his messenger he chose;
Deep-hearted, pure, with scented dew still wet –
One perfect rose.

I knew the language of the floweret;
“My fragile leaves,” it said, “his heart enclose.”
Love long has taken for his amulet
One perfect rose.

Why is it no one’s ever sent me yet
One perfect limousine, do you suppose?
Ah, no – it’s always just my luck to get
One perfect rose.


 [Image by]

These paper lanterns play a major part in the five-day Festival of Lights (Diwali) in Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism. It is celebrated in India, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Mauritius, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Fiji, Surinam, and elsewhere.


by Milarepa

Just as fog is dispelled by the strength of the sun
and is dispelled no other way,
preconception is cleared by the strength of realization.
There's no other way of clearing preconceptions.
Experience them as baseless dreams.
Experience them as ephemeral bubbles.
Experience them as insubstantial rainbows.
Experience them as indivisible space.




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