The road less travelled is sometimes fraught with barricades, bumps and uncharted terrain. But it is on that road where your character is truly tested. And have the courage to accept that you’re not perfect. Nothing is and no one is - and that’s OK. (Katie Couric)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

pictures, poems and pearls of wisdom

Men today have abandoned compassion in order to be bold, discarded economy to be big spenders and rejected humility in order to be first. - Lao-Tzu

Click on the images to enlarge
A 10th Century painting by Huang Quan


Two Hunters

 There were but two beneath the sky -
The thing I came to kill, and I.
I, under covert, quietly
Watched him sense eternity
From quivering brush to pointed nose
My gun to shoulder level rose.
And then I felt (I could not see)
Far off a hunter watching me.
I slowly put my rifle by,
For there were two who had to die -
The thing I wished to kill, and I. 


Black-backed Kingfisher, Southern Thailand


Speaking Truth
By Jesa MacBeth

It is possible to speak truth in anger.
When so done, people tend to hear the anger and not the truth.

It is possible to speak truth in arrogance.
When so done, people tend to hear the arrogance and not the truth.

It is possible to speak truth in deceitful ways.
When so done, people tend to sense the deceit and take the truth for more deceit.

It is possible to speak truth in loving kindness.
When so done, people tend to hear the love and the truth.

Or so it seems in my experience.



Where there is peace and meditation, then there is neither anxiety or doubt. St Francis of Assisi


taking the one less travelled by
Wednesdays and Saturdays


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